How to Automatically Encrypt Emails in Outlook

How to Automatically Encrypt Emails in Outlook

April 04, 2022 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

RMail Takes the Fear Out of Sending Encrypted Emails via Automation and Ease-of-use

It’s April Fools, and this year I thought I’d ask, which of the following tall tales is closer to the truth?

  • RPost will be debuting a new in-store retail experience called RCafe where you can come in, hook your laptop up to our secure network, have an expresso, and demo our award-winning feature-rich e-security and eSign software firsthand with one of our dedicated RGeniuses. Come for caffeine hit; stay for the RSecurity suite upgrade. The first of these stores will open in Peoria, IL while another 30 will roll out globally (but not in Russia).
  • Our crack team of developers and computer scientists have decoded the neurotransmitter in the human brain that causes the fear response. This breakthrough has led to the development of a product that will actually lessen the feeling of fear in human beings so that they may live richer and more productive lives. People who were once afraid to send a simple email may now go on to try out skydiving, blowfish sushi and holidays with the in-laws.

So, which one of these is closer to the truth? If you answered 2, then congratulations!

Ok. So, there is obviously some exaggeration here, as we haven’t quite figured out how to stop people from being fearful of everything, and this is obviously good. What we have done is enable the sending of encrypted emails to be as simple and painless as possible, thereby reducing the fear that a lot of people have regarding sending these important emails.

According to Gartner Research in their recent email security report, one of the main reasons users do not send email encrypted with traditional services is their apprehension/fear that the process is going to be too complicated. The recipient simply won’t be able to figure out how to open the sender’s encrypted email, and vital information will be delayed or denied as a result. Thus, most email encryption services are underutilized, and budgets are wasted.

RMail email encryption is blissfully easy for the recipient (and, of course, automated for the sender). ‘Easy for the recipient’ means happy (i.e., fearless) senders, and this leads to well-utilized email encryption, security and (depending on the industry) compliance. Plus, as you may already know, our RMail e-security software that runs inside Microsoft Outlook can be enabled via our RMail Gateway outbound email filter for easy-to-use automated encryption—meaning that the encryption happens without sender or recipient having to do any additional steps.

Know more:

Free Secure Email

Secure File Sharing

Send Large Files

Secure Email Gateway

Tellingly, most people do have access to some encryption that comes with their hosted email or email security gateway, but they still choose RMail, as we’ve heard at our most recent Optimize! conference. You can also learn more about RMail’s email encryption and how it takes the fear-factor out of sending encrypted emails.

If you’re disappointed that an RCafe won’t be coming to your neighborhood any time soon, that doesn’t mean it will never happen. If we can take the fear out of sending encrypted emails, then opening a chain of cafés seems much less daunting.