
What is Local Time? Time Zone Determination on Registered Email™ receipts

December 01, 2010 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

We often receive inquiries as to how the ‘local time’ is pegged to a user’s time zone when a sender may be logging in from different computers in different time zones.

Metadata Cleaning Tools from Payne Group Compatible with RPost Office for Outlook

November 25, 2010 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

RPost and Payne Group have collaborated to permit leading metadata removal capabilities for users who send Registered Email™ messages, encrypted email, or contracts for signature.

Reduce Paperwork and Other Costs While Speeding Deal Closing Time

November 24, 2010 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

Factoring and commercial finance firms worldwide are gaining an edge by going paperless, but not without first managing the risks of standard email.

Don’t Let Your E-Evidence Get Trashed

November 22, 2010 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

The Best Article Describing Issues with Email Proof, Email Fraud, and E-Discovery.  “Don’t Let Your  Get Trashed” One of the best articles that we have come across that succinctly discusses the issues associated with email proof, email fraud, electronic discovery of stored information, ease of manipulating email records, and difficulty in authenticating email records that […]

Electronic Signatures & Electronic Delivery for HIPAA Authorizations, Notices and Acknowledgments

November 18, 2010 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

The following article, written by Jon Neidiz, a partner in Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough’s Atlanta office and co-leader of the Firm’s Information Management Practice, is a useful short summary for those considering HIPAA privacy issues in the context of email – and RMail’s email encryption service. Key to using email encryption for compliance with […]