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We’re not just securing email and eSigning.

We’re helping Safeco and Liberty Mutual agents protect the privacy of their client data while speeding business, enhancing the customer experience.

And we’ve been with them since 2022.

RSign E-Signatures. Top Choice by Safeco and Their Agents.

RMail RSign
Why RSign eSignature?
To process claims and agreements faster for reduced administrative costs and enhanced efficiencies.
Why RMail Encryption?
To speed interaction in a secure and easy manner while complying with data protection regulations.
Why Registered Email™ Proof?
For legal e-delivery proof and certified e-notifications tracking for time-sensitive insurance correspondence.
Member Benefits
Members will get exclusive discounts on RPost products.

About RPost:

RPost is a global leader in premium, feature-rich, and more affordable electronic signature and cybersecurity services since 2000. Through our three main platforms - RMail® email encryption, RSign® eSignatures, and Registered™ e-compliance - we offer everything our customers need when it comes to email, document and form security, compliance, and workplace acceleration. Track, prove, eSign, encrypt, share, certify, control - we do what no other company does.

Member Advocate

  • Registered Encryption™ offers enhanced email security and compliance. It automatically delivers emails, creating a simple user experience while returning auditable proof of privacy and compliance to the sender going far beyond the basic TLS and link-retrieval systems. RMail includes different levels of encryption per the user's needs.
  • Registered Email™ provides email open/delivery tracking and evidence with timestamped proof of original content delivery. It returns a court-accepted Registered Receipt™ email without requiring any recipient action.
  • Secure Large File Share – for securely sharing and tracking up to 1GB of files from Outlook or the RMail web app. Senders can send securely to any recipient with encryption and configurable self-purging options in a one-time online storage box that eliminates the risk of disclosing the sender’s cloud storage file structure.
  • SideNote™ makes it easy to append a private “sticky note” to a copied or blind copied recipient, so they have context as to why they were copied. With the “Disappearing Ink™” feature enabled, the note can also be set for one-time-view to disappear from the recipient’s inbox after a set time.
  • RMail eSignature enables senders to attach any document and send for recipient eSignoff with no need to set up or configure the document beforehand or online.
  • RMail Ink™ enables the sender to sign the email with their own handwritten signature, with a watermark date stamp. RMail Ink also stamps the sender’s scripted signature, email address, and time/date on the email body and at the bottom right corner of all pages of any attached PDFs.
  • Disappearing Ink™ & ViewProof™ -- enables senders to tag certain parts of an email message to disappear from within the email after delivery, after a designated amount of time since sending, after a configured number of views, or time-per-view. Senders can receive verifiable proof that the recipient has viewed selected tagged parts of an email.
  • Redact Reply™ – enables senders to redact particularly sensitive text in a sent message such that if the recipient replies, the sensitive text is automatically removed from the reply email thread.
  • RMail Recommends™ automates RMail security and privacy features to ensure compliance. Using AI-infused predictive technologies at the point of sending, RMail Recommends helps users by recommending or making specific RMail features essential as added protection on an otherwise unprotected email. This way, RMail not only adds an extra layer to security to emails but also sensitizes users of the need to treat certain messages differently, minimizing human e-security errors.
  • RMail Redact+ allows the sender to extract private text to control sensitive data. With this simple to use feature, the sender can decide whether the redacted text can be copied, limits the frequency and time span of the text, and much more.
  • Right Recipient™ automatically reviews the recipient addresses before transmission, if a message is detected to contain sensitive content. It determines if the sender should be prompted to verify that they really want to send sensitive information to the particular recipients, and then applies the appropriate level of encryption to the message en route if sent.
  • Anti-Whaling™ - RMail for Outlook includes patent-pending anti-whaling technology that prevents targeted ‘spear-phishing’ detection specifically designed to prevent Business Email Compromise, CEO Fraud impostor email, and other lures.

How RPost services are used in the insurance world?

Every day, thousands of premier insurance agencies, brokers, and carriers around the world use RMail and RSign to:

  • Encrypt sensitive emails and documents for compliance with HIPAA, GDPR, and other privacy regulations.
  • Retain legal proof of delivery (including encrypted delivery), time of delivery, and exact content for client and carrier/broker communications, post-placement administrative correspondence, binding coverage, verifying strategic conversations, verifying terms and conditions or changes in coverage, and more.
  • Get fast, legally binding, electronic signatures on decisions, waivers, payments, and settlements.
  • Makes client correspondence paperless.
  • Reduce costs, simplify jobs, and automate workflows in an elegant and effortless manner.
  • To get an iron-clad proof of performance – evidence that will hold up in court.
We Try Harder RMail Suzie

At RPost, we simply can’t afford to make you enter a support queue. Or upcharge for each feature. Or not be the most affordable. Or not continuously innovate so that we can always be the most feature-rich while easy to use. We can’t be anything less than the best e-sign and e-security product with the best people and service to support you.

Obviously, the thing we try hardest at is just to be there for you. To start you out right with new services that are easy to use, work well and have the features you need now (and will need in the future). We will give you the training and attention your team needs from a support staff that makes us proud every day.

Why do we do this? Because we’ve learned over the last 20 years in this business that our customers are counting on us every day. Because we live and breathe security and process optimization. Because we can’t afford to take you for granted. We try harder to ensure your success.

Go With Us

We’re the most affordable, feature-rich and elegantly easy to use, and the friendliest to work with. We try harder.
Thank you, to the more than 25 million people the world over that have put their trust in our team and technology, since 2000.


See it in Action

Why We Are Unique

Our connectors and APIs make it easy to provide access to, automate or extend your business systems with seamless integrations.

Breadth Services

Breadth of Services

We’ve built extensive functionality around our RMail, RSign, and Registered Email™ technologies, allowing our users to get even more out of their business operations.



Click the “Send Registered” button on your preferred platform to access all RMail sending options. Sending important information by secure, authenticatable and private email has never been easier.

Legal Proof

Legal Proof

For every message sent, automatically receive robust evidentiary records for your email correspondence in the form of our Registered Receipt™ email record.



Get on-demand, third-party authentication of message content, time, delivery status, privacy compliance, and more.

Customer Stories

Assure Alliance

Insur Tech

We’re helping Assure Alliance enhance their network of direct writers, captive agents, and producers, empowering them to do more, securely.

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Dibuduo & Defendis Insurance Brokers

Insur Tech

We’re helping Dibuduo & Defendis Insurance Brokers provide client services with the e-security, privacy, and efficiency that their trusted clients have come to expect from their team.

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N&D Group Insurance

Insur Tech

We’re helping N&D Group expedite the insurance of your essentials, combining their local knowledge with our tech knowhow.

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Ready to get started with RMail for Outlook, Gmail, or our other apps or API?

Our apps run inside your existing email program. Our API make it easy to provide access to, automate or extend your business systems with seamless integrations.