
RMail’s Aggregate Eavesdropping Heartbeat Monitor Offers a Daily Snapshot of Email Eavesdropping Risks for MSPs or IT Admins

February 17, 2023 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

RMail’s heartbeat monitor is like having your own email secret service patrolling your inbox. Previously on Tech Essentials, we let you live through, in chilling detail, a sophisticated email scam that originated with an email exchange that was eavesdropped on by a cybercriminal gang. In retrospect, the most sophisticated aspect of the scam was the […]

Sophisticated Email Initiated Crime & How to Prevent Them With RMail PRE-Crime Services

February 10, 2023 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

You may wish you were one of the zombies from The Last of Us after a BEC attack. Previously on Tech Essentials, we introduced you to the cybercrime phenomenon initiated by Email Eavesdropping and ending in a mis-wire, in part 1 of a 3-part series we’re running.

80% of Organizations have Experienced Cybercriminal BEC Attacks Over the Last Year and they Start with Email Eavesdropping Activities

February 03, 2023 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

You may be barricaded inside the best of (fire)walls, but you could still be exposed by your recipients’ nostalgia for their memorable passwords. Joseph Heller, author of Catch 22, famously wrote that “just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t after you.” Many Generation Xers out there may recall that Kurt Cobain also used this […]

RMail AI™ Automates Email Encryption and Now Adds “in-the-moment-of-sending” Email Encryption Compliance

January 27, 2023 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

What would you find more useful: bionic strength and speed or a robot that could write a basic essay for 1,000 times more cost? There was perhaps no greater TV show in the 1970s than The Six Million Dollar Man. The intro alone is pure midcentury gold. Every kid in my neighborhood wanted to be […]

How to Protect Your Email Account Passwords from Hackers

January 20, 2023 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

Many people, nostalgic for their 90s-era email account passwords, are having (or already had) their emails hacked. I don’t mean to date myself (a lonely pursuit anyway), but I can remember having passwords in the 90s that were quaint by modern standards—in addition to being woefully inadequate to protect against today’s cybersleuths.