One day when I’m retired, I may write a book called, The Truth Behind Marketing. In it will be all the secrets revealed for companies that pour so much budget into differentiating products that (under the hood at least) are virtually indistinguishable.
A Summer of Gas Rationing Does Not Need to be a Summer of eSign Rationing We at Tech Essentials are as much in the business of debunking common misconceptions as we are highlighting all the great new products coming out of RPost. So, in this spirit, I’d like to address an important question I once […]
Practicing Fake Eye Contact in Video Meetings There are some positive changes in human behavior accelerated by this current health crisis. One is easily being able to identify what a 6-foot distance looks like – or the measurements used in Canada (one hockey stick length) and in Florida (one alligator length). Another is the realization […]
What is “Legal Proof”? Optimize! Panelists Share a Decade of Use in Courts In the early 2000’s, RPost coined the term “Legal Proof®” to describe what one received when they sent a Registered Email™ message. There is no such thing as “Illegal Proof”, so what could “Legal Proof®” really represent?
RMail today announced a major update to its RMail App for This update fills existing data privacy compliance and eSignature gaps and is unique in that:
An important trend for companies today is use of web-based messaging and CRM platforms such as to manage, track and/or secure outbound correspondence. While some of these platforms let you send attached documents with your message, most (including do not save copies of attachments in the sent record stored in the web-based system.
Service professionals and business managers are continually trying to improve workplace productivity, not just to increase profits but also to reduce tedium in their daily work flows. Web applications for customer relationship management (, professional networking (LinkedIn), messaging, eSigning, and file sharing (RPost), for example, can be extremely helpful tools for streamlining work flows.
February 28, 2025
February 25, 2025
February 21, 2025
February 13, 2025
February 07, 2025