Reply Hijack

Lookalike Domain Hijacks Email Communications via Reply-to Field

July 05, 2024 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

How $125 million was mis-sent to Nigeria and How RPost can prevent it.

Armand here, RPost’s product evangelist armadillo, still vacationing on Cape Cod. But as a product enthusiast, I couldn’t help chatting up folks at the 4th of July BBQ about cybersecurity.

Alert on External Email When There Is an Actual Issue

October 21, 2022 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

Only RMail offers features that can foil BEC attacks without “cry wolf” email stamps. We’ve talked a lot about the hydra of BEC (business email compromise) attacks recently due to the increasing share of these types of attacks within the universe of cybercrime that employ multiple techniques to lure users into sending money to the […]

Business Email Compromise Attacks in Many Ways

October 07, 2022 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

Business Email Compromise Cybercriminal Lures Attack in Many Ways, Like a Hydra Monster with Many Heads. Each Attack Vector Needs a Defense. Enter RMail. Before we start today’s article, we’d like to ensure you have heard about – and been invited to – RPost’s Optimize!2022 global e-security and eSign user conference (click here to read […]