Texas State Bar has partnered with RPost to educate attorney members on how, when, and why to use RMail® services to track opening, record certified e-delivery proof, encrypt for client privacy, and send declarations for eSignoff. Powered by RPost’s Registered Email technology, RMail has been very popular among legal service professionals. Recently, more than 100 Florida-based law […]
Be Well Solutions, a wellness center, reports that they have used RPost with unquestionable success in terms of paper reduction, proof of compliance with HIPAA data privacy requirements, and proof of who sent what to whom and when.
RPost now permits sending messages and documents to lists with no minimum volumes and no monthly recipient address commitments. Sent items may be email message body text or email messages with attached documents in:
No “October Surprises” at Our Optimize! FinTech Conference (Just Great Insights from Amazing Customers) We at Tech Essentials realize this has been a doozy of a week in terms of news—mostly political and mostly bad. For those who needed a respite from Tuesday’s chaotic debate and the torrent of election-focused headlines, we offered a live virtual […]
You may remember the 2012 LinkedIn data breach, in which 6.5 million LinkedIn user accounts were believed to have been compromised. According to BBC and LinkedIn itself, the number of affected LinkedIn users from that 2012 data breach could actually be upwards of 100 million, or the majority of the 165 million users LinkedIn had in 2012.
Factoring and commercial finance firms worldwide are gaining an edge by going paperless, but not without first managing the risks of standard email.
An important trend for companies today is use of web-based messaging and CRM platforms such as Salesforce.com to manage, track and/or secure outbound correspondence. While some of these platforms let you send attached documents with your message, most (including Salesforce.com) do not save copies of attachments in the sent record stored in the web-based system.
Use of Email to Satisfy Mail Delivery Requirements of SEC Disclosure Rules We were recently asked to review the disclosure by mail delivery requirements of US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Rule 14d-4. In summary, RPost’s patented technology is uniquely positioned to serve as an alternative to delivery by postal mail while meeting requirements for these disclosure […]
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has published guidance for compliance with specific regulations in 21 CFR Part 11. This guidance is intended to describe the FDA’s current thinking regarding the scope and application of part 11 of Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations; Electronic Records; Electronic Signatures (21 CFR Part 11).
As you begin to transact more business electronically, consider the often boilerplate notice provision that you are using in your contracts. For every contract that you electronic signature, there may be many contract notices that you must deliver (pricing, terms, quantity, product delivery, specification, addendum, breach notices and changes).
January 31, 2025
January 24, 2025
January 17, 2025
January 10, 2025
December 27, 2024