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How to Electronically Sign a PDF Document

RSign prepared documents will be delivered right into the signer’s inbox. When the signer opens the RSign invitation email, the markings in the email clearly display its importance and show them that there is a document for them to review and eSign.

Step-by-Step Instructions

The signers require nothing at their end to eSign an RSign document. When the signer clicks “View and Sign Document” in the email, they are redirected to their web browser where the document is displayed, waiting for their eSignature.

Step 1: On to the left of the document, there is checklist that guides the signer through the process to complete the fields in the document.

Step 2: When the signer completes a field, the corresponding checkbox turns green, showing that they have signified a particular requirement in the signing process.

Step 3: Signers can type or draw their electronics signatures.

Step 4: After completing all the required fields, the signer can click submit to return the electronically signed document to the sender.

The sender and recipient signers receive notification of the completion of the eSign process, along with an electronically signed document in the form of a digitally signed PDF, plus an signature certificate. This is part of the legal eSign audit trail and forensic proof record.