Pre Empt

Data Breaches are So Common Today, they Seem Not Newsworthy. Use RPost So YOU Remain Data Breach Non-Newsworthy

August 23, 2024 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

If there are 2.9 billion stolen human records and 8 billion humans, is your info leaked?

Armand here, RPost’s armadillo product evangelist. Perhaps with all the dancing at the various political conventions you may have missed reading about the largest personal data breach likely effecting every person in the United States.

What does BEC Stand for?

September 30, 2022 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

We’ll Make Etymology of Acronym-Originated Tech Speak Interesting… and Useful. Yes, it’s still the year of the tiger – a year of supposed unbound prosperity. But with the stock market plunging, and cybercrime flourishing, I thought it might be nice to forget about tigers and put on another hat, one of an etymologist.