Active Tracker

Anomaly Detection in Email Behavior of Employees and Contractors

October 20, 2023 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

It’s worse than we thought when it comes to funding weapons.

A few months ago, we at Tech Essentials unveiled a new AI security technology by RMail that analyzes vast amounts of ever-changing data sets to hunt for cybercriminals in real time; cybercriminals who are actively eavesdropping on email which is a precursor to luring people into paying fake invoices or worse (read more). 

How to Track an Email Location from Where Your Emails are Being Opened

September 22, 2022 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

New email location Active Tracker — Now you can see who is reading what, WHERE and WHEN. Managers have a lot on their plates in this (mostly) post-pandemic world. Whether it’s coordinating hybrid work schedules, negotiating new lease space, or determining what vaccine policies and recommendations are now valid, there’s now a new wrinkle regarding […]