
RPost Adds New Security Automation, APCC Top Choice

December 11, 2018 / in News / by RPost Marketing

RPost simplifies total email security, now with a hosted security gateway solution. Customers, especially small businesses, have all of the email threats and compliance requirements of enterprises, but fewer IT staff and smaller tech budgets.

Gartner Tech Trends 2019 & RPost NYC Cybersecurity Investment Conference

November 29, 2018 / in News / by RPost Marketing

With a foundation of security, compliance and productivity services centered around business communications, RPost continues to enhance its core software service offerings, while building for the next generation user and IT administrator experience. Gartner’s recently published top 10 technology trends for 2019 is a useful guide to assess a company’s DNA for innovation. RPost product […]

RPost European Distributor Adds its 1000’th New RMail Corporate Customer, RSign Next

November 26, 2018 / in News / by RPost Marketing

RPost’s Swiss-based distributor, Frama Communications, has added its one thousandth new RMail corporate customer in countries including the United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, France and Italy. Frama now launches RSign, RPost’s advanced web-based e-signature platform.

RPost Email Security Now Built into Acturis, Leading the UK Insurance Market

November 14, 2018 / in News / by RPost Marketing

Acturis has Embedded RMail Email Encryption, E-Sign, and Registered Email™ E-Delivery Proof as Features Inside its Market Leading Insurance Management Platform, Simplifying GDPR Compliance

RPost Customizes for the Title Insurance Sector, adding Email Encryption and Registered Email e-Delivery Proof Services to ResWare

September 12, 2018 / in News / by RPost Marketing

Heightened need for email security, compliance, and TRID proof of e-delivery of notifications fuels demand of RPost-ResWare integration.

RMail Wins Top Rating for Email Privacy GDPR Compliance

June 20, 2018 / in News / by RPost Marketing

Technologists, Compliance Experts and Service Providers Contribute to the First Practical Guide to GDPR Email Privacy Compliance

RMail Now Built into Leading Swiss ERP System, Abacus

June 12, 2018 / in News / by RPost Marketing

Abacus, the leading Swiss ERP system, embedded RMail Registered Email encryption in its software to enable its 42,000 corporate customers to send payroll notices automated, encrypted, and certified.

RPost and Global Micro Make Email Security Ubiquitous in South Africa

April 25, 2018 / in News / by RPost Marketing

Heightened Interest in Email Security Drives RMail Email Security Update for Tens of Thousands of Microsoft Business Email Users Across South Africa

MindCentric Turns On RPost Email Security for Thousands of its Businesses Customers

April 19, 2018 / in News / by RPost Marketing

MindCentric Deploys Award Winning RMail Email Security, Compliance, and E-Signature Services as an Update for Tens of Thousands of Business Email Users Across its Microsoft and Zimbra Platforms

RMail Awarded “Best IT Innovation in Germany 2018”

April 13, 2018 / in News / by RPost Marketing

RPost’s RMail® product has been awarded the prestigious Initiative Mittelstand “Best Innovation in IT 2018” award. Initiative Mittelstand identifies the top IT solutions best suited for small and mid-sized companies in the German market. Initiative Mittelstand announces its winners specifically to educate attendees at CEBIT, the largest worldwide technology trade show held annually in Hannover, Germany.