This latest RSign electronic signature upgrade delivers all the elements necessary for upholding legal contracts in today’s automated technology environments with three crucial, specific elements:
1. Auditable Proof of Signoff: Only RSign technology provides a record of precisely what message content was in fact sent, received, and signed off with a robust audit trail that is cryptographically associated with the signoff record content and timestamps. This is important because most disputes around who agreed to what and when happen years after agreements were struck. Along with document signature records, RSign provides a Registered Receipt™ that encapsulates the signoff record with Internet forensic evidence associated with the signoff event in a form that can be later authenticated to withstand any challenge related to content, signing event, time, or validity for court admission.
2. User Simplicity: RSign is simple to use, with the sender often signing documents or sending contracts for signature right from their existing email program, or automated from any email sending or web application. This is critical because if signing, sending for signature or the process of obtaining recipient signoff or consent is just slightly too complicated or inconvenient, users tend to quickly revert back to traditional and administratively inefficient paper-and-ink or fax-and-scanning processes. RSign’s upgrade ensures the simplest user experience for both sender and recipient.
Read more:
How to Create an Electronic Signature
Set a Signing Order for Recipients
How to Sign a Lease or Rental Agreement Online
How to Send Documents For Bulk Sign
How to Sign a Microsoft Word Document
3. Enterprise Security Intelligence: Most enterprises employing electronic signature services with automation or in high volume from many senders or with many signers prefer to have robust reporting and analytics that provide a centralized dashboard display showing sending, delivery, reading, signoff events and overall process cycle times. RSign provides real-time reporting as a standalone display or formatted to parse into sender management systems.
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