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Finance and Insurance

Steve Anderson: Power of Proof (of E-Delivery)

Email delivery may sometimes seem like magic – and perhaps it (almost) is when it works. We’ll spare the technicalities of the email plumbing, but there are some things insurance agents need to know before it is too late. What happens if that claims first notice to the carrier was sent but “claimed” not to be received? What happens if that renewal notice to the client disappears in the ether? There are so many misconceptions about email delivery and read receipt tracking that we’ll spend time reviewing what you need to know about email delivery.

Steve Anderson, Co-Founder & CEO at Catalyit™, Zafar Khan, CEO at RPost and Jake Finnell, Vice President at RPost, will present important email delivery tips, what is truth vs. myth, and what some of the common acronyms of email deliverability mean (SPF, DKIM, SMTP).

Summary of the Webinar

Steve Anderson, Zafar Khan and Jake Finnell will cover the following topics:

  • How email delivery works and might not work (SPF, DKIM, SMTP).
  • How Outlook and other read receipts might not provide the answers.
  • How Registered Receipt™ email records track and prove (RPOST DEMO OF ANATOMY OF A RECEIPT, BY RPOST PRODUCTS).
  • Why tracking and proof of e-delivery is central to the business of insurance.
  • What is Registered Encryption?