Back to Envelope(v1)

POST api/V1/Envelope/PrepareEnvelope

This is step 2 of envelope creation. This will take all the required inputs and create document images.



Steps to follow-:

1. Initialize Envelope – using following url

2. Upload Local Document – using following url

3. Delete Document [Optional] – using following url

Request Information

Lorem ipsum

URI Parameters


Header Parameters

Header Description

Name Description Type
Content-Type This is a request content type application/json
Accept This is a response content type application/json
AuthToken This is user’s authorization token. example@example.com^296f1f85-35d4-4dd4-a350-67131c926546^rps^en-US

Note: From the Header parameters mentioned, “AuthToken” is not required for the below mentioned services.

  • Account/RegisterUser
  • Authentication/AuthenticateUser

Body Parameters

Name Description Type Additional information
DateFormatID This will set Date Format Id of envelope. GUID None
ExpiryTypeID This will set Expiry Type Id of envelope. GUID None
IsTransparencyDocReq This will set transparency document required for envelope or not boolean None
IsSequenceCheck This will set Sequence check required for envelope or not boolean None
EnvelopeID Envelope ID of which envelope is to prepare GUID None
TemplateCode Envelope ID of which envelope is to prepare integer None
Subject Subject of Envelope string None
Message Message of Envelope string None
IsSignerAttachFileReq This will return envelope IsSignerAttachFileReq flag boolean None
IsSeparateMultipleDocumentsAfterSigningRequired This will return envelope IsSeparateMultipleDocumentsAfterSigningRequired flag boolean None
IsAttachXMLDataReq This will return envelope IsAttachXMLData for envelope flag boolean None
IsDisclaimerInCertificate This will return envelope Is Disclaimer InCertificate for envelope flag boolean None
AccessAuthenticationType This will return access auth type for envelope globally unique identifier None
AccessAuthenticationPassword This will set access authentication password string None
IsPasswordMailToSigner This will return if sender want to send password by eSign or manually. boolean None
CultureInfo This will return envelope CultureInfo string None
Recipients This will return envelope Recipients Collection of Recipients None
Documents This will return envelope Documents Collection of Documents None
UserSignatureTextID This will return User Signature ID globally unique identifier None
IpAddress This will return IP Address string None
MessageTemplateTextID This will return User MessageTemplate ID globally unique identifier None
SendIndividualSignatureNotifications boolean None
SendReminderIn Reminder days to set integer None
ThenSendReminderIn Repeat reminder days to set integer None
SignatureCertificateRequired Is final signature certificate required on final contract boolean None
DownloadLinkRequired IS final contract to store and option to available on Manage Page boolean None
EnvelopeStage Subject of Envelope Stage string None
ReminderTypeID This will return Reminder type ID weeks or Days globally unique identifier None
ThenReminderTypeID globally unique identifier None
FinalReminderDays integer None
FinalReminderTypeID globally unique identifier None

Request Formats

application/json, text/json
An exception has occurred while using the formatter 'JsonMediaTypeFormatter' to generate sample for media type 'application/json'. Exception message: Self referencing loop detected with type 'eSign.Models.Domain.Envelope'. Path 'Recipients[0].Envelope.DateFormat.Envelope'.
application/xml, text/xml
An exception has occurred while using the formatter 'JsonMediaTypeFormatter' to generate sample for media type 'text/json'. Exception message: Self referencing loop detected with type 'eSign.Models.Domain.Envelope'. Path 'Recipients[0].Envelope.DateFormat.Envelope'.

Response Information

Resource Description

Name Description Type Additional information
StatusCode This will return Status Code. HttpStatusCode None
StatusMessage This will return Status Message. string None
Message This will return response message for corresponding status code. string None
EnvelopeID This will return Envelope Id. GUID None
EDisplayCode string None
ErrorTagDetailsResponse Get errorneous tags found on document if any Collection of ErrorTagDetailsResponse None

Response Formats

application/json, text/json
"StatusCode": 100,
"StatusMessage": "sample string 1",
"Message": "sample string 2",
"EnvelopeId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"EDisplayCode": "sample string 4",
"ErrorTagDetailsResponse": [
"EnvelopeID": "0d1a223a-9c2c-41c6-9f13-3e4d9dff5f4a",
"DocumentID": "8057353d-1c11-4d1f-8ccc-3db42a096ece",
"DocumentName": "sample string 3",
"ErrorneousTags": [
    "TagString": "sample string 1",
    "TagXIndent": 2.1,
    "TagYIndent": 3.1,
    "DocumentPageNumber": 4,
    "PageBitmapWidth": 5.1,
    "PageBitmapHeight": 6.1
    "TagString": "sample string 1",
    "TagXIndent": 2.1,
    "TagYIndent": 3.1,
    "DocumentPageNumber": 4,
    "PageBitmapWidth": 5.1,
    "PageBitmapHeight": 6.1
"EnvelopeID": "0d1a223a-9c2c-41c6-9f13-3e4d9dff5f4a",
"DocumentID": "8057353d-1c11-4d1f-8ccc-3db42a096ece",
"DocumentName": "sample string 3",
"ErrorneousTags": [
    "TagString": "sample string 1",
    "TagXIndent": 2.1,
    "TagYIndent": 3.1,
    "DocumentPageNumber": 4,
    "PageBitmapWidth": 5.1,
    "PageBitmapHeight": 6.1
    "TagString": "sample string 1",
    "TagXIndent": 2.1,
    "TagYIndent": 3.1,
    "DocumentPageNumber": 4,
    "PageBitmapWidth": 5.1,
    "PageBitmapHeight": 6.1
application/xml, text/xml
<ResponseMessageWithEnvlpGuid xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<StatusMessage>sample string 1</StatusMessage>
<Message>sample string 2</Message>
<EDisplayCode>sample string 4</EDisplayCode>
    <DocumentName>sample string 3</DocumentName>
        <TagString>sample string 1</TagString>
        <TagString>sample string 1</TagString>
    <DocumentName>sample string 3</DocumentName>
        <TagString>sample string 1</TagString>
        <TagString>sample string 1</TagString>

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