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We’re not just securing email and eSigning.

We’re helping Marshall & Sterling support its community of clients by putting more communications assurance into their insurance.

And we’ve been with them since 2018.

RSign. For Finance. Insurance

RSign® & RMail®

Primary Use

RSign for electronic signatures, RMail email encryption, and Registered Email™ services and Registered Receipt™ e-delivery proof for insurance notices and client correspondence.

Watch Jim Dahoney’s full panel session at OPTIMIZE!™ 2021.

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We’ve seen well over a thousand percent increase in the usage of digital signatures…We in the past used a competitor’s product, which was very expensive. And luckily, we were able to get a solution in place and rolled out with RSign, and it was pretty seamless for us.

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Jim Dahoney

Jim Dahoney

SVP, CIO, Director of Strategic Acquisitions
Marshall & Sterling Insurance

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  • Customers’ needs changed to a more digital experience, and we were able to meet those needs through RSign.
  • I’m also the director of acquisitions at Marshall and Sterling, so I do all my contracts and NDAs through RSign…I like the ability to set the signers in sequential order.

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Watch full video of Jim Dahoney discuss RMail and RSign at Optimize!2020.

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Customers want a tool that’s easy to use. They want to be able to get what they need securely, safely and efficiently, and RPost does provide that for us.

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Jim Dahoney

Jim Dahoney

SVP, CIO, Director of Strategic Acquisitions
Marshall & Sterling Insurance

Main Benefit

RSign® for eSignatures speed business and reduce administrative cost. RMail® Registered Email™ service and Registered Encrypted™ email provides tracking, proof of delivery, content and timestamp for a variety of mission critical insurance notices, as well as privacy for HIPAA compliance.

They speed interaction with clients in a secure manner, mitigating issues related to who received what and when, electronically. These services cut operating costs, save administrative time, and bring peace-of-mind to staff and clients alike.

RMail® Registered Email™ service provides legal e-delivery proof and certified e-notifications to encourage engagement prior to issues arise.

Know More: Electronic Signature


RSign is primarily used through the RSign web app with RSign Templates and RSign Rules. RMail Registered Email™ sending is integrated into Microsoft Outlook in a compatibility mode with Vertafore insurance agency management systems. This customized version of RMail for Outlook uses SMTP email sending with e-delivery tracking, proof, and encryption, returning the final Registered Receipt™ records to trigger follow-on activities. When using the RMail Registered Email™ service, the sender receives an automatic analysis of the delivery forensics, cryptographically sealed to the delivery content and timestamp, and packaged as a Registered Receipt™ proof record.

Marshall & Sterling is one of the largest insurance agencies in the United States, operating since 1864.

Tradenames are owned by the named company. Service benefit is summary, not intended to be a case study.​ RPost technology is patented. RMail, RSign, and RPost are trademarks owned by RPost.