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We’re not just securing email and eSigning.

We’re helping MacKay Corporate Brokers assure their clients have a backup plan to protect from the unforeseen.

And we’ve been with them since 2019.

RMail. For Finance. Insurance.

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Scotland, United Kingdom

Primary Use

Registered Email™ and RMail email encryption services for e-delivery proof and privacy compliance for insurance notices.

Watch full video of Karen Fitzgerald discuss RMail at Optimize!2020.

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Having RMail integrated with Acturis works so well for us. It is incredibly useful. Its seamless. It has been a godsend during lockdown.

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Karen Fitzgerald

Karen Fitzgerald

Director, MacKay Corporate Brokers

Main Benefit

RMail® Registered Email™ service and Registered Encrypted™ email provides tracking, proof of delivery, content and timestamp for a variety of mission critical insurance notices, as well as privacy for GDPR compliance.

They speed interaction with clients in a secure manner, mitigating issues related to who received what and when, electronically. These services replace standard email which did not have strong evidentiary record, and certified mail and courier which is more cumbersome and expensive. These services cut operating costs, save administrative time, and bring peace-of-mind to staff and clients alike.

RMail® Registered Email™ service provides legal e-delivery proof and certified e-notifications to encourage engagement prior to issues arise. RMail has transformed the use of standard email for British Insurance Brokers, to protect sensitive emails securely such as client details, sign off settlements i.e. SOF, and legally record/prove delivery of important notifications to recipients, i.e. cancellations.

Know More: Email Encryption


RMail Registered Email™ sending is integrated into Acturis through a customized version of RMail for Outlook that uses SMTP email sending with e-delivery tracking, proof, and encryption, returning the final Registered Receipt™ records into the Acturis system to trigger follow-on activities. When using the RMail Registered Email™ service, the sender receives an automatic analysis of the delivery forensics, cryptographically sealed to the delivery content and timestamp, and packaged as a Registered Receipt™ proof record.

Established in 1989, MacKay Corporate has successfully traded for more than 25 years, providing insurance solutions for businesses and private individuals. They are one of Scotland's leading independent brokers.

Tradenames are owned by the named company. Service benefit is summary, not intended to be a case study.​ RPost technology is patented. RMail, RSign, and RPost are trademarks owned by RPost.