RSign for Rentman

RSign for Rentman

App Overview:

RSign® is your go-to solution for simplifying eSignature processes. RSign for Rentman empowers property management agencies to effortlessly create RSign eSignature envelopes directly from their Rentman Windows desktop platform. Whether it's one document or many.

Specifically, RSign for Rentman allows you to:

  • Send documents for eSignature directly from Rentman, effortlessly transforming your document workflow.
  • Easily access and select the desired record from Rentman's tenancy-oriented database, ensuring all essential agreement information is in one place.
  • Choose individual documents or predefined document packages for the eSignature process.
  • Opt to preview documents in PDF format to ensure accuracy before sending for eSignature.
  • Select whether to send the envelope to landlords, tenants, or both, based on your agreement's needs.
  • Stay updated on the progress of your e-Signature process through the Journal tab, showcasing key events and dates.
  • The e-Signing process is a breeze for all parties involved, with no need for signers to have an RSign account.

RSign and eSignatures by RPost® have a proven track record of more than a decade, serving governments and businesses of all sizes in over 100 countries worldwide.


Product Tour

RSign for Rentman

How it Works

To send documents for eSignature from your Rentman interface, follow these steps:

  1. Select single documents or predefined packages to send for eSignature for the desired tenancy record within Rentman.
  2. Choose whether to send the envelope to landlords, tenants, or both.
  3. Review the PDF document, and if needed, make changes in the Rentman platform.
  4. Send to RSign within your Rentman platform.
  5. Keep track of the status of eSign requests within Rentman, ensuring transparency and accountability.
  6. Automatically receive signed contracts and eSign records in your email inbox; no RSign account is required.

Contact Us to Get Started

Getting Started with RSign

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Customer Stories

National Storage Affiliates’ SecurCare Self Storage

Legal Tech

We’re helping National Storage Affiliates’ SecurCare Self Storage & iStorage modernize its tenant interactions to improve the tenant experience.

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Towne Storage Management

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We’re helping Towne Storage ensure its tenants are informed when it comes to protecting their precious personal property.

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All Storage

Legal Tech

We’re helping All Storage modernize its tenant communications, empowering them to optimize business operations and improve tenants connections.

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App Info


RSign for Rentman 1.0

Languages Supported:

App Language:

RSign interface languages: Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish. Rentman interface language, all languages supported by Rentman.

Service Language (Messages, Receipts, etc.):

Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish.

Minimum Requirements:

Operating System Any
Browsers Any
Browser Version Latest
Deployment company-wide deployment
Updates Automatic upgrades
Requirements Valid RSign and Rentman licenses
Licensing Per user, shared group of users, or usage-based