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RSign Profile Settings

This video reviews the RSign® Profile settings. These consist of the first name and last name, initials, email, company name, service language, job title, profile picture (where you can also change your password), signature, an option to auto-populate a signature when signing, and message signature text.

Step-by-Step Instructions

On the ‘Settings’ page you will have several configurable settings. To change them, simply enter the information that corresponds with the setting or select an option from the drop-down menu.

  1. For First Name, type your first name into text box.
  2. For Last Name, type your last name into the text box.
  3. For Initials, type your initials into the text box.
  4. For the Email, it will already be entered and cannot be changed here as it automatically includes the email that was logged in with.
  5. For Company Name, enter the company name that the user works for into the text box.
  6. For Service language, select the preferred language from the drop-down menu by clicking the down arrow.
  7. For Job Title, type your job title into the text box.
  8. For Profile Picture, you can upload a picture from your computer or remove an existing picture. You can also change the password for your account here.
  9. For Signature, you can create your own signature by drawing it with your mouse.
  10. For Auto-Populate Signature while Signing, you can select ‘N’ or ‘Y’ to automatically add it to documents or not.
  11. For Message Signature Text, you can enter text that will automatically be in the body of the email.